
Record video with more control and less stress with the new mmhmm

Ganda Suthivarakom

31 mar 2025

We made mmhmm to help hybrid work work, and recordings are key to that. Live video is great for discussions and making decisions. But when it comes to explaining things in detail, we believe recordings do a better job. With recorded video, you can articulate your ideas more clearly—and your audience can watch when they’re ready.

But it’s tough to be both the speaker and the video producer. Even the most seasoned presenter can feel intimidated when the red light goes on and the camera begins to record. And for people who are new to video, learning to use editing software can be time-consuming and confusing.

The latest update to mmhmm takes the stress out of recording and being on video. This helps you look and sound polished—even if nerves mess up your first few tries. Add all the bells and whistles you see on YouTube. And make everything look perfect without wasting hours learning and fiddling with multiple apps.

Create video with chapters

We’re excited to introduce chapters to mmhmm’s new editor. Chapters automatically organize the key moments in your video so you always know where you are. Each chapter starts with a slide in your presentation, and each slide can hold multiple visuals. When you’re recording, a new chapter begins whenever you change slides.

Chapters make it easy and intuitive to break up the work of creating a video. You can now record videos one segment at a time and edit or rearrange each segment at will. And you don’t have to finish your video in one sitting. Stop recording at any time, edit what you have, and then pick up recording wherever you left off.

Hand dragging a slide in the mmhmm UI

Perfect without practice

Speaking perfectly on camera is a difficult skill to master. With the new mmhmm, you don’t have to be flawless or spend all day rehearsing. Our latest improvements take the stress (and the hours) out of redoing mistakes in your video. When flubs happen, re-record until you get the delivery right. There's no need to complete a recording in one sitting—trim and record chapters in whatever order feels best.

It’s also easy to make changes long after you’ve finished your recording. If you notice a mistake in a slide or forget to include an important piece of information, you can record a quick addition and slot it in—even after you’ve published your video.

Trim UI in mmhmm highlighting a section of video

Streamline your video workflow

With the new mmhmm, you have everything you need to create your presentation, and to record, polish, and share a great video. There’s no need to export your recording to other apps for editing or post-production. This means you can make changes in minutes, not hours. You can also reproduce videos for different audiences by swapping in a few new chapters and publishing the new video right in mmhmm.

mmhmm UI with slide that says Welcome to the team, Carla!

Ready to switch? We can help

If you loved mmhmm Studio, try the new mmhmm—we think it has everything you need to record a great long-form video. And if you want a demo, make an appointment with our support team for a personalized walkthrough.