
Michael Buffo has transformed live performances into virtual events with mmhmm

Andrew Owen

31 mar 2025

The remote-controlled electric skateboard has been Mike Buffo's favorite way to get around since 2007, when he got his first E-Glide 42 Special. "My wife and I actually rode away from our wedding ceremony on an electric skateboard," he said. Now his son, Theo, has caught the bug. For their #PandemicProject, Buffo and his son rebuilt that original E-Glide with all new parts in their garage in Carmel, California. "We wanted to make a YouTube video on how to do it because in researching how to make an electric skateboard, there's not a lot of great definitive videos out there," Buffo said.

Making videos is Buffo's bread and butter. He's the Director of Photography at House of 8 Media, a production company that specializes in transforming live performances impacted by Covid into virtual events. "My clients either stopped what they were doing or transformed what they were doing into virtual gatherings," Buffo said. "Adding a remote attendance option is how I am describing what I do."

When it comes to mmhmm, it's the simplicity he loves. "Broadcasting software can be cumbersome when I want to make changes on the fly. The more I get paid for an event, the higher level of software I have to use. And directly proportional is how complicated it is to make my changes on the fly."

With mmhmm, Buffo can deliver high production services to clients of all sizes. "mmhmm has helped me run virtual events for nonprofits, who are on a shoestring budget," he explained. "They can hire me, somebody who's made all the mistakes before so that they don't have to, and who has become the expert so they don't have to become the expert. I can employ great plugins like mmhmm, and for myself, have a successful event, great reviews, portfolio entries on my website, and more clients."

Congrats Mike and Theo for your awesome skateboard project video! We hear there's a sequel coming, and we're looking forward to it.

Watch their winning Pandemic Project video below.