Präsentiere nicht nur deine Folien – präsentiere dich selbst
Halte unvergessliche Präsentationen, die dich mit deinem Inhalt auf den Bildschirm bringen. Teile nicht nur deine Ideen – zeig deinem Publikum, wer du bist.
Wenn du ein Foliendeck erstellen kannst, kannst du auch eine mmhmm-Präsentation erstellen.
Present like you’re in-person
Be there for your customers even when you can’t be there in-person. Connect with your audience no matter where or when you present.
Present like you’re in-person
Virtual backgrounds to match your presentation
Focus attention by interacting with your slides
Co-present with a colleague on one screen
Record a presentation so they can watch anytime
Present like you’re in-person
Be there for your customers even when you can’t be there in-person. Connect with your audience no matter where or when you present.
Virtual backgrounds to match your presentation
Focus attention by interacting with your slides
Co-present with a colleague on one screen
Record a presentation so they can watch anytime
Bring mmhmm into

or any other video conferencing tool.
Stay in the flow
Seamlessly switch between
No more awkward pauses while you switch between windows.
Pop-out power
No more juggling apps or breaking eye contact. Open Speaker Notes, drag the remote control under your web camera, and advance through your presentation with confidence.
Bring mmhmm into

or any other video conferencing tool.
Stay in the flow
Seamlessly switch between
No more awkward pauses while you switch between windows.
Stay in the flow
Seamlessly switch between
No more awkward pauses while you switch between windows.
Stay in the flow
Seamlessly switch between
No more awkward pauses while you switch between windows.
Pop-out power
No more juggling apps or breaking eye contact. Open Speaker Notes, drag the remote control under your web camera, and advance through your presentation with confidence.
Deine Folien – auf deine Weise
Erstelle dein Deck in deiner bevorzugten Präsentation-App oder erstelle deine Folien direkt in mmhmm.
Importiere eine Präsentation.
Konvertiere dein bevorzugtes PowerPoint-, Keynote- oder PDF-Deck.
Lade eine kostenlose Vorlage herunter
Füge Inhalte kostenlosen Vorlagen hinzu, die Platz für den Sprecher schaffen.
Wähle ein Folienlayout
Starte deine Präsentation in mmhmm mit Folienlayouts.
Made with mmhmm
With mmhmm, your presentations will never be boring.
Improving inclusive language with
Tatiana Kolovou, Business Communication professor
Visual Alphabet
Martin Barnes, Pitch Coach
Metaplane announces their public API
Kevin Hu, Chief SQL Wrangler at Metaplane
Life Design Foundations Path trailer
Jan Demiralp, Founder of Inner Compass