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Stand out from the demo crowd
Add distinctive visual features to your live or recorded video with a few clicks.

Interact on-screen with your demo

Show a second live camera for picture-in-picture

Copresent on the same screen with up to 10 people

Design lower-thirds and branded overlays for your screen
Delight stakeholders at every stage
When your job is to communicate how your product works, videos help your whole team accomplish way more than words alone.

Screenshare with confidence
Say goodbye to awkward “Can you see my screen?” moments. What you see is what your audience sees, no matter what video platform they use.

Switch between slides and live demos
Stop tabbing through windows to find the visual you need. Line up your screenshares and your slides ahead of time in mmhmm and switch seamlessly between them.

Interact with your product
Turn video demos into immersive experiences. Move around the screen, change your size, or disappear so your audience knows what to pay attention to.

Make quick changes to videos
Your product moves fast—your videos should, too. Modify your video quickly for different audiences. Swap in new visuals without having to redo everything.

Collect audience insights
See who has (and has not) watched your videos published on mmhmm. Get feedback and emoji reactions from your audience.