You don’t need a green screen to use mmhmm (but here’s why you might want one)

Ganda Suthivarakom

Mar 28, 2025

It’s tough to set up an office in a small home, but mmhmm can help hide the mess behind you. We’ve got two ways of concealing the Calico Critters in your background during meetings: you can either set up a green screen (or a bedsheet) or you can use our virtual green screen, which automatically cuts out and displays your silhouette regardless of what’s going on in your background. (Either way, you get to take advantage of our Rooms catalog, including animated backgrounds that use very little computer processing power.) 

Here’s how to decide which is right for you.

Camera menu in mmhmm UI

Virtual green screen

Good for:

  • People who want to keep things simple
  • Anyone who moves their laptop to different locations
  • People with small office spaces that can’t accommodate a green screen.


  • None! Just know that this does take more computer power than a green screen, so if you have trouble with maxing out CPU, you might want to try a green screen instead.

Green screen

Good for:

  • People who want to have the highest quality silhouette contrast
  • People who might otherwise have a lot of movement in the background


Read more:

Getting started with mmhmm

How to optimize your webcam setup for mmhmm

Green screen best practices